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Poll Results: Stewardship

Research conducted on 01/01/2020

The following data was collected as a part of AGN's ongoing research on industry trends and best practices. It reflects the perspectives, priorities and opinions of active fundraising professionals at educational institutions and other nonprofits. For more information, please contact us at [email protected] or call 888.407.5064.

Is renewing support from last year's donors the #1 priority for your program right now?


Do your renewal appeals to prior year donors contain messages that are significantly different than what appears in appeals to other audiences? (e.g., new donor acquisition, lapsed donor)


Which channel does your program rely on the MOST for renewing prior year donors?


Is your institution planning to host any virtual events in the months ahead as a way to steward leadership gift society members?


Is your institution planning to host any in-person donor events in the first half of the calendar year, 2021?


Have virtual events increased the amount of collaboration your team has with campus partners?


How would you describe the level of segmentation of your institution's gift acknowledgments?


Does your institution produce a printed donor roster/list of donor names annually?


Does your institution publish an online donor roster/list of donor names annually?


How would you describe your institution’s use of events to highlight and recognize donors in front of others?


In your opinion, how good is the experience and stewardship you provide to recurring gift donors?


From your perspective, is donor relations & stewardship a higher priority for your advancement program now compared to before the COVID-19 pandemic?


From your perspective, does your institution do a good job of regularly communicating the impact of annual gifts to donors?


Which of the following best describes your institution’s plan as it relates to donor stewardship events?


Does your institution do enough to communicate gift impact to donors?


Do you anticipate that the messages and/or "tone" of your institution's donor stewardship communications will change significantly as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic?


Which best describes your institution's approach to advancement events at this time?


Over the past year, has your institution increased or decreased the number of regional events it has put on?


Does your institution put on events specifically to engage young alumni leadership donors?

To find additional research and discover other tools for fundraising success, visit AGN's Resource Center or contact us at [email protected] or call 888.407.5064.