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Poll Results: Leadership Annual Giving
Research conducted on 01/01/2020
The following data was collected as a part of AGN's ongoing research on industry trends and best practices. It reflects the perspectives, priorities and opinions of active fundraising professionals at educational institutions and other nonprofits. For more information, please contact us at [email protected] or call 888.407.5064.
Do you feel that you/your team has enough time and bandwidth to submit all grant proposals you would like each year?
Have the "levels" of your leadership gift society changed at all in the past 3 years?
Do you find your institution’s prospect rating system to be reliable?
What percentage of their time do you estimate gift officers at your institution devote to prospect research?
Do you prepare a list of talking points prior to meeting with prospects and donors?
How comfortable are you asking for money?
Do your planned giving research efforts focus primarily on "older" prospects?
How have your program's efforts to promote planned giving changed since the pandemic began?
How collaborative are the annual fund and major giving teams at your institution?
Are annual fund gifts included in individual goals and performance metrics for all frontline gift officers at your institution?
Which best describes your institution’s approach to appeals and gift conversations at this time?
Which channel does your program rely on the most to solicit annual fund leadership gifts?
Does your program spend more time soliciting or stewarding annual fund leadership gifts?
Does your institution have a discounted gift requirement for young alumni to join your annual fund leadership giving society?
How are you feeling about tax year-end giving to your institution this year compared to the same period last year?
Have you been referencing the CARES Act in your recent conversations with donors?
Have you been referencing the SECURE Act in your recent conversations with donors?
To find additional research and discover other tools for fundraising success, visit AGN's Resource Center or contact us at [email protected] or call 888.407.5064.