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Poll Results: Data Management & Analytics
Research conducted on 01/01/2018
The following data was collected as a part of AGN's ongoing research on industry trends and best practices. It reflects the perspectives, priorities and opinions of active fundraising professionals at educational institutions and other nonprofits. For more information, please contact us at [email protected] or call 888.407.5064.
How much testing of new strategies and ideas does your team do?
Which of the following best describes the quantity of the reports used by your annual giving team?
Does your team have a single-page annual fund "dashboard" report that you share with your senior management on a regular basis?
Do you utilize database codes to flag individuals who have specifically requested that you not communicate with them via text?
How important do you think predictive modeling is to identifying strong leadership annual giving prospects and allocating resources to support those efforts?
Has your institution ever built a model to predict donor propensity for leadership annual gifts?
In your opinion, how strong is your team's data on the individual interests of your prospects?
Do you know your program's new donor retention rate?
Has your advancement department ever used "Net Promoter Scores" to evaluate its events?
How much time do you spend analyzing your data?
Does your annual giving team have at least one person dedicated to data analytics?
To find additional research and discover other tools for fundraising success, visit AGN's Resource Center or contact us at [email protected] or call 888.407.5064.